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5 Essential Garden Tools To Own

George Knight.jpeg

by George Knight

2022-12-16 07:44 AM

It doesn't matter if you're a total gardening rookie or an experienced pro; you'll still need the proper equipment. The question of what gardening tools are necessary to maintain a tidy garden is not always easy. 

It can be quite expensive to have a collection of essential garden tools, and you might need a shed or garage organized as they occupy a  lot of space. Choosing the right garden tools that your budget will allow, and maintaining them, can go a long way in getting the most out of your investment.

This post enlists five must-have gardening tools that may satisfy the needs of gardeners of all skill levels and price ranges. Check out our recommended gardening tools below.

1.    Gloves

gardening gloves

Gloves are a basic part of your garden tool set. Without the proper protective gear, gardening may turn from a relaxing pastime into a painful ordeal due to thorns and splinters.

Gloves, especially those used for handling seeds and transplanting seedlings, should be sturdy without being cumbersome.

Poorly fitting gloves can lead to blisters or other skin irritation, which can also be dangerous if they slip off.

Fabrics that are water resistant but also breathable will help keep hands cool and comfortable.

Longer cuffs protect wrists and forearms from scrapes and keep soil from getting in.

Store gloves away from sunlight and water and safe from insects.

2. Pruning Shears

a person using pruning shears

Plants that have gotten out of hand can be tamed with hand pruners, commonly known as secateurs. Anvil-style pruners make clean cuts by placing a sharp blade against a flat surface, such as a board. Like scissors, bypass pruners have a sharp blade that cuts by passing over a flat, sharp-edged surface.

  • Crushing injuries to green stems and branches are common when using anvil pruners, which are best for dead wood.
  • When working with green timber or living plants, bypass pruners are 
  • recommended.
  • The pruners you use should fit comfortably in your palm.
  • If you have arthritis or limited hand strength, ratcheting pruners are a great investment.
  • Pruners should be sharpened regularly for cleaner cuts and fewer harm to plants.

3. Loppers

young woman using loppers

Loppers have a focal position in the list of all the right gardening tools. As a cutting tool, loppers are long-handled pruners used to trim hard-to-reach locations and cut heavier branches. The long handles allow you the necessary leverage to sever branches as thick as 1 inch. Like pruners, there are anvil and bypass varieties. The standard height for a handle is between 16 and 36 inches.

  • The cutting location of bypass loppers is more accurate than that of anvil loppers.
  • Extremely long-handled loppers tend to be cumbersome. It's important to grasp what you'll be chopping and how far you'll have to stretch to get the desired length.
  • Lighter handles made of aluminum or carbon composite material exist.
  • Keep the lopper blades sharp and in good condition, just like you would with pruners.

4. Gardening Fork

gardening fork

Garden forks are another must-have gardening tool. They are superior to spades when digging into compacted soil, and they are useful for a variety of other soil-related tasks.

Curved-spined forks can be used in place of a pitchfork to churn compost piles and scoop mulch.

When digging, straight tines are superior because they are less likely to bend or break.

Instead of bending when they hit a rock or a root, square tines will keep their shape.

5. Handheld Trowel

hanheld trowel and seeds

The trowel is an essential garden tool since it may be used to transplant bedding plants and herbs, plant containers, and remove weeds.

  • Choose a wide blade if you need to shift a lot of dirt or a long, narrow one if you need to dig up weeds or work in difficult terrain.
  • The grip needs to feel natural in your hand.
  • In terms of durability and longevity, stainless steel trowels, or those with a stainless steel head, are superior.

Finding the right gardening tools to maintain a neat garden can sometimes be challenging. However, their effective application relies on the skills and expertise of the gardener. Easefix can connect you with the best local providers if you need professional gardening services.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it possible to make a living from gardening in the UK?

A self-employed gardener in the United Kingdom can earn anywhere from £10 to £25 per hour or £15,000 to £30,000 per year. Naturally, there are a lot of variables involved, e.g., your income may vary as per the region of the UK where you currently reside.

2. If you're a gardener in the UK, what do you do during the cold months?

It is advisable to go through your borders in the winter and pull out all of the perennial weeds you can find. When plants are dormant, you have better visibility and access to fencing, climbing plant structures, walls, plant supports, painted surfaces, and so on. The fact that the issues are plain to see only adds to the confusion this winter.

3. How to use garden tools effectively?

After each usage, ensure your digging instruments are completely soil-free. In most cases, a good hosing down will do the trick, but if the muck has caked or dried, a screwdriver will do the trick. Wet tools should never be stored. So that they don't rust and the handles don't rot in storage, you should let them dry out fully beforehand.

4. How important are the right gardening tools?

Right garden tools are essential for planting, caring for the plant, and harvesting. Without the essential garden tools, gardening is a tedious and time-consuming task that is not necessary. Gardening tools ensure more efficient movement and superior plant growth.