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Gas Heating Engineer

Why Hire a Gas Safe Engineer ?

Lee Anderson

by W Malik

2022-09-27 01:55 PM

Many homeowners have fallen victim to unsafe gas works. According to the Gas Safe register, two-thirds of illegal gas work in the UK is unsafe. All the more important to hire a Gas Safe engineer when having gas work in your home. What is a Gas Safe registered engineer, and why should you hire them?

What is the Gas Safe Register?

The Gas Safe register is an online governing body for all gas work in the UK, listing all qualified engineers in England. The Gas Safe Register replaced CORGI and outlines the rules and regulations every member should follow.

What is a Gas Safe Registered Engineer?

Gas boiler installation service repair

A Gas Safe registered engineer is someone on the Gas Safe register. This person has the proper credentials to prove their membership and must produce proof of being in the register. In other words, you can ask the technician who shows up to install your boiler to show you their Gas Safe ID to verify they are registered.

Why Hire A Gas Safe Engineer ?

Hiring a highly qualified heating and gas professional shouldn’t be too much to ask. But many workers claim they can perform the job without having the proper credentials. Here’s why you should always hire a Gas Safe engineer.

  1. Guaranteed safety
  2. Proven experience
  3. High standard of work
  4. Customer Satisfaction

Guaranteed safety

A Gas Safe engineer has the skills to undertake gas works safely. Gas appliances can leak or, worse, explode. In 2017 alone, firefighters responded to 569 carbon monoxide leak calls in London. Similar cases have also been reported, meaning having a non-registered worker install or service your gas appliances is not worth the risk.

Proven Experience

Gas Safe engineers prove their experience and qualifications before being registered. Thus, they can install, repair, and service gas appliances. Call on a gas engineer for any of the following.

  1. Radiators
  2. Thermostats
  3. Boilers
  4. Associate piping
  5. Hot water cylinders
  6. Central heating systems through vents

High Standard of Work

Gas boiler installation service repair


When you hire a Gas Safe engineer, you can rest assured that they will deliver a high standard of work. This is because they are masters of their craft and have the technical know-how to solve problems as they arise in their line of work.

Guaranteed Customer Satisfaction

If anything goes wrong such as radiator faults or no heating after installation, you can take up the matter with the Gas Safe Register officials. They will send someone over to investigate and rectify the problem. In addition, they will investigate the person or company that performed the job.

Do You Need a Gas Engineer or a Heating Engineer?

People use the terms gas engineer and heating engineer interchangeably. However, a gas engineer is qualified to tackle everything gas-related. In addition, they often carry licences for working with other appliances. On the other hand, being a heating engineer is a step before becoming a fully certified gas engineer. Hence, you will need to specify the kind of appliance that you want to install since a heating engineer is not qualified to handle gas works.

Need a Gas Safe Engineer?

Hiring an accredited and reputable gas engineer for all your heating and related works is vital. EaseFix provides a free platform to meet Gas Safe registered engineers. Start your search and receive free quotes for safe and high-quality work today!